Monday, March 11, 2013

Jack Frye Inauguration into IAHOF

Photo and presentation made at the San Diego Air and Space Museum, the placard reads

William John 'Jack' Frye
A trail-blazer in designing aircraft as well as the air routes they flew, William 'Jack' Frye had a major impact on the growth of commercial aviation in the United States. He was president and Founder of Aero Corporation and Standard Airlines, and the operating head of both Transcontinental and Western Air Lines, known today as Trans World Airlines (TWA). Jack became the youngest president of an American air-transport line and the only airline president to hold a transport pilot’s license with over 6,000 flight hours.

Under Jacks leadership, TWA became the first U.S. air carrier to offer coast-to-coast service and led the way in high altitude research, fostering the development of a series of advanced transport aircraft which included the Douglas DC-1 and DC-2, Boeings legendary model 307, and the Lockheed Constellation. Living by the manner of 'Safety, Passenger comfort, and Schedule', Frye led TWA to become the third largest air carrier in the world by 1945.
Elected into the International Aerospace Hall of Fame.

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