Image courtesy WHMCKC
After the historic Flight of the Connie the photo ops began. Here shown are many high powered dignitaries and associates related to the Constellations successful and record breaking flight. Can you find and name some of them?
Here are the names of Army, Navy and civilians who viewed the Constellation during her brief stay as described in the caption.
Image #1,
Chairman CAB - George Mahon - Rep. TX, C.A. Woodrum - Rep. VA, Howard Hughes, Buell Snyder - Rep. Penn & Chairman Army Appropriations Committee, Jed Johnson - Rep. Okla, Sen. Edward C. Johnson - Colo, Jesse Jones - Sec of Commerce, George Burgess - Asst. Secretary of Commerce.
Image #2,
Sen. Alben W. Barkley - KY, Harry S. Truman - MO, Arthur Vandenberg - MI, Ralph Brewster - ME, Ernest McFarland - AZ, L.L. Biffle - Sec. to the Majority - US Senate.
Image #3,
Otis Bryan - V.P. TWA, Maj. General Follett Bradley, Howard Hughes, Gen. B.M. Giles - Chief of staff AAF, Col, M.F. McKee, Lt. Col. SC. Fraser, Col. A.J. Wilson, Lt. Col. Bradbury, Lt. Col. J.R. Brewer, Maj. D.S Blossom, Col. Carter Clark, Maj. J.B. Taylor, Maj. 'BO' McClennan, Lt. Col. Robert Harper, Maj. Frank Nurley, Maj. Bryce Harlow.
Image #4,
Russell Turner - United Press, Malcolm Lamborne - Washington Star, Charles Corddry - UP, F. Lee Tallman - Exec. V.P. TWA, Rear Admiral - Emery S. Land, Jack Frye - TWA Pres, Vera Clay - Newsweek, Rear Admiral - Howard L. Vickery, Marjorie Regain - Washington Times Herald, Capt. Robert Loomis - TWA, Edward Bolton - TWA, Karl Hess - Daily News, Anne Hagner - Washington Post, Eric Bramley - American Aviation, Ben Dulany - Time Inc, Patricia O'Malley - TWA, Richard De Campo - TWA, Millicent Anderson - WAC.
Image #5,
Officials of the Civil Aeronautic Administration, C. Edward Leasure, Francis Reilly - Assistant to Chairman, CAB, Harlie Branch - CAB, Jesse Lankford - Director of Safety Bar, CAB, Charles Donaldson - Director of Airports, CAA, Harvey Law - Director Washington National Airport, F.M. Lanter - Director of Safety Regs, Oswald Ryan - CAB, Howard Hughes, Clarence Fleming - TWA V.P, Oswald Slattery - Jr. Chief of Pubs, Charles Stanton - Admin. of CAA.
Image #6,
Jack Frye - TWA Pres, Maj. Gen. Harold George, Howard Hughes, Maj. H.T. Myers - Aid to General George, Col. James H. Douglas, Col. S.S. Lewis, Col. Paul Gilland, Capt. R.M. Davis, Capt. E.F. Smith, Col. R.C. Kristoffuson, Maj. James Rutledge, Col. Grant Mason Jr, Maj. S.G. Nordlonger, Col. F.G. Atkinson, Lt. Col. Henry Taylor.
Image #7,
Howard Hughes, Henry L. Sutton - Secretary of War.
Image #8,
Jack Frye - TWA Pres, Rear Admiral Emery S. Land, Rear Admiral Howard L. Vickery.
Above is a post dated envelope mailed the day of the historic flight with the signatures of Jack Frye and Howard Hughes. Can you pick them out? Also note the inaugural Constellation flight stamp.